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Feel Safe and Secure
With Our Trained and Trusted Chaperones

Talk to your healthcare provider today about bringing TrustedRide-Certified to your neighborhood!

In Good Hands
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The TRC Solution

Giving You Safety and Security 

TRC Chaperones give you added safety and security in trips to and from medical procedures and doctor's office visits.


TrustedRide-Certified provides a screened, trained, and certified chaperone as a responsible adult and short-term companion to ensure a safe travel home. Our chaperone eliminates the need for a driver to leave their vehicle to assist a passenger, making rideshare, other commercial transport, and volunteer driver services accessible where they might not have been before.  

Providing a Flexible Solution for Discharge "to the Company of a Responsible Adult" 

Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance will not pay for outpatient procedures at an HOPD/ASC unless the patient is “discharged to the company of a responsible adult.”   Currently, to meet this requirement of having a previously identified person sign a patient out and drive the patient home, there are few options short of imposing on family, friends, and neighbors (or resorting to expensive “door-through-door” services) to secure transport following a procedure. Many anesthesiologists will cancel or postpone procedures if a responsible adult has not been identified before the procedure.

TRC Service Covers a Wide Range of Procedures and Doctor's Office Visits

For those patients of any age undergoing the more than 35 million procedures performed annually at hospital outpatient departments and Ambulatory Surgical Centers (23 million at ASCs alone, expected to grow to 27 million in 2021), ranging from endoscopies to cataract surgery to pain management, many patients either must impose on family, friends or neighbors for discharge, lack anyone nearby to ask to drive them, or simply have trouble scheduling or finding a secure ride to or from procedures or doctor's office visits.

TRC is Pre-booked for Your Rides by Our Service Working with Your Healthcare Provider

For your ride from your procedure or visit,  your TRC Chaperone is pre-booked in advance by TRC working with your Healthcare Provider's Clinic or Doctor's Office, sparing you concern and giving you peace of mind for your ride home.

TRC Checks on Your Condition Upon Your Arrival at Your Door

TRC Chaperones ask patients how they are doing upon arrival at the door and will report a situation that needs immediate action to your doctor's office, in a time period normally quicker than your call to check from a nurse.

Why You May Need a TRC Chaperone

Hospital Waiting Room

Makes scheduling procedures easier

Makes scheduling procedures easier

In today’s world, with extended families living hundreds if not thousands of miles apart, FaceTime just does not do the trick when you need to get to or from the doctor’s office or to secure a ride home from an endoscopy, cataract surgery, or countless day procedures, particularly when your discharge requires the help of a "responsible adult.". Not everyone has family members, friends, or neighbors available to give them a ride home.


Our TRC Chaperones have been screened, trained, and certified, so you will have no worries --- and an advocate whose only mission is your comfort and safety. When friends, family or neighbors can’t be there. Or if you just want to enjoy your independence . . . call TrustedRide-Certified to be by your side!

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