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TRC Chaperone Training

Course Overview

TrustedRide-Certified Services

Procedures for following CDC and Health Departments

Safety First

Transportation Provider

Online Scheduling

Preparing for your TRC Role

In Case of Medical Concerns


Well-being of your Client

Mandated Reporting

Service Animals

Medical Training

Mental Health First Aid

Online Certification Quiz

Mandated Reporting

Mandatory reporting is when a person is required by law to report suspicion of elder abuse. Typically, Mandated Reporters include physicians, counselors, teachers, clergy members, health practitioners, caregivers, or employees of a county adult protective services agency or a local law enforcement agency.


Mandated Reporters are persons who, as a result of these professions, are more likely to be aware of abuse or neglect of children, seniors (65 and over), or dependent adults (ages 18-64).  This includes TrustedRide-Certified Chaperones who are working with vulnerable populations and, for that reason, are considered Mandated Reporters. TRC considers Chaperones to be community “eyes and ears” when they are serving with TRC.  


There are many types of abuse: Physical, Isolation, Abandonment, Abduction, Sexual, Financial, Self-Neglect, and Neglect (by a caregiver). As a volunteer working with vulnerable populations, TRC Chaperones are mandated by law to report any abuse. If you suspect or observe any of these types of abuse, immediately contact your program manager to report your concerns within 24 hours. Please provide specific details about your concerns so that an official report can be filed.


What Should You Do if You Suspect Abuse? 


TRC staff at your local sponsoring agency work closely with local agencies when concerns of abuse arise. Once TRC is made aware of a potential abuse situation, staff will complete and submit a report to Adult Protective Services. All Adult Protective Services reports are filed anonymously. Adults Protective Services offers services to the victim and/or intervention when appropriate.


Mandated Reporting Resource Information



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