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TRC Chaperone Training

Course Overview

Program Administration

Rideshare Etiquette

Preparing Mentally

Words Matter

Assistive Devices

Service Animals

Meeting the Client

Visible and Hidden Disabilities

In Case of Medical Concerns

Difficult Situations

Well-being of Your Client

COVID-19 Protocol

Medical Training

Online Certification Quiz

Familiarity with Client and Itinerary

The trip

You will have received necessary information concerning the client, destination, times and any emotional or physical limitations or needs the client may have. You will have specific instruction for accompaniment at the destination ahead of scheduling the ride. Make sure you are familiar with these details to avoid mix-ups and mishaps.


Meeting the client

This trip may be with a person you’ve accompanied before, or it may be your first time with this client. If it is the first time, remember “attitude is everything” that we discussed previously. The trip may involve an emotional event for the client and your positive attitude will have a positive effect on your client. Introduce yourself and the organization you are representing. Confirm the identity of the person you’ll accompany along with details of the trip to be sure all is according to plan. If the client is at all nervous about the trip, reviewing the details of the ride should help allay any fears.


Assessing needs

Any information about limitations the client should have been communicated to you prior to your arrival. If this information has not been made available to you and you sense there may be a need, whether emotional or physical, ask if there are any special considerations the client would like you to be aware of. If so, do not assume assistance of any kind is needed. Always ask if you may help. And then, if needed, ask how is the best way to provide that assistance. Independence is as much valued by persons with disabilities as it is by those without.


Providing assistance to/from the residence or destination to the vehicle

Again, if assistance seems necessary, ask IF help is needed and, if so, WHAT help would be appreciated. If an assistive device is in use and needs to be temporarily set aside, always gain permission. A walker, crutch or cane must be considered as an extension of the person and treated sensitively. If the client is being accompanied after surgery, likely the client will be brought to the vehicle in a wheelchair. Whenever possible, allow the nurse/attendant to assist the patient into the vehicle. On the ride to their home or other destination try to assess the client’s physical and emotional condition and prepare mentally for the transfer after arriving.


© 2020 by TrustedRide-Certified, LLC

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